Me, abridged...

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I'm a "twenty-something". I am hopelessly awkward and romantic. I love music and movies and traveling and having new adventures. I teach first grade in South Carolina. These are my romantic musings and random ramblings.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Sooooo Cal.

Hello's been a while...(cue awkward pause)...

For those of you who don't know, I decided to step way (as in 3,000 miles away from my home) out of my comfort zone and spend the rest of my summer in Southern California staying at my Dad's house. This is not something I would typically do--randomly deciding to go out of the state for a month and a half without a single friend to keep me company--but I figured I am only young once, I have no kids/husband/real obligations for the next month, and I may not have another opportunity to go exploring and adventuring by myself again. (Thank goodness I am a lone wolf/independent sort anyway, otherwise I would feel extremely lonely and friendless.)  So, I may as well take a chance and DO something spontaneous!

I have only been here 6 days so far...but there are some very vital things I have noticed about the Southern California lifestyle:

1.) They call Hardees "Carl's Jr.". It seems to be much more popular here than in SC. Probably because we also have Bojangles and Krispy Kreme.
2.) I have yet to meet anyone who actually talks like The Californians on SNL. (Dammit!)
3.) The fashion sense in men here is very confusing. My sees and I have nicknamed it "Skugsterfarian".
Skugsterfarian= a combination of the skater, thug, hipster, and Rastafarian fashion styles. Highly popular in SoCal. You can also be a combo of any of the aforementioned styles simultaneously: skug, thugster, skipster, etc. (I will try to provide photo documentation of this phenomenon at some point.)
4.) It's REALLY FREAKING COLD on the beach until about 3 in the afternoon. I am not accustomed to this because at the beach in South Carolina it is disgustingly hot and humid all day long. You can probably gather that I prefer the weather of Southern California.

I will continue to chronicle my adventures in lovely So time with pictures as well! :)


  1. Happy Holiday Meredith, hope you are having fun. I was surprised to read that the beach is cold in California until 3. I always thought it was hot all day! Enjoy the rest of the day :-)

    1. Thanks, Rachel! Yeah, in fact it hasn't gotten over 78 degrees on the beach the entire time I've been here. That, combined with the cloud cover, calls for a hoodie and jeans more than a bathing suit! haha.
