Me, abridged...

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I'm a "twenty-something". I am hopelessly awkward and romantic. I love music and movies and traveling and having new adventures. I teach first grade in South Carolina. These are my romantic musings and random ramblings.

Friday, May 24, 2013

My 3 Worst Traits...

A few weeks ago, I highlighted the ten most awesome things about myself. Now for the worst...

1.)  I am incredibly scatterbrained and forgetful.  I valiantly make a to-do list and then immediately misplace it.
2.)  I am terrible at communicating/opening up.  I'm even terrible at simply keeping in touch with people that I don't see on a regular basis. I'm a bad long distance friend.
3.)  I get jealous.  Not the yelling, key your car, steal your phone and read all your texts jealous...just the silent, fuming, quiet kind of jealous where you say "What's wrong?" and they say "Nothing" but expect you to know what's going on. (Which I think may be just as bad as the other kind of jealous.)

Hopefully the awesome things about me make up for these bad traits. I certainly think so. 


  1. Oh, I'm such a scatterbrain and forgetful too! And I have a terrible time opening up. I can't vocalize what I feel. I have to text it or write a letter. Otherwise, I'd be too embarrassed.
