Me, abridged...

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I'm a "twenty-something". I am hopelessly awkward and romantic. I love music and movies and traveling and having new adventures. I teach first grade in South Carolina. These are my romantic musings and random ramblings.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Favorite posts...

I've been (sort of) doing the "Blog Every Day in May" thing, and since I have only had my blog for like a month, I am only going to link to 2 of my favorite posts instead of 5.

The first...Becoming Edith Crawley. Wrote this semi-bitter diatribe about 2 weeks ago after attending a festival with my younger seester and her boyfriend.  I had an excellent time, but for some reason, several people felt the need to encourage me to not "give up hope" in finding my own boyfriend. (I hadn't, but that's not what they thought for some reason. If I start to wear sweatpants all the time and balloon up to 200 pounds, be concerned.)

The second...Old Lady Problems. This is basically me highlighting all the reasons I love staying in most of the time instead of going out. If only someone could hand-deliver a sexy dude to my house to hang out with me. He'd probably think it was awesome that I don't wear bras or pants.

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