Me, abridged...

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I'm a "twenty-something". I am hopelessly awkward and romantic. I love music and movies and traveling and having new adventures. I teach first grade in South Carolina. These are my romantic musings and random ramblings.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

What they don't teach you in school...

Today's topic: things you've learned that school won't teach you. 

1.) Good things come to those who wait. (and wait...and wait..)  I spent the two years after my graduation from college wondering what was WRONG with me that I had not found a teaching job yet and most of my peers had. I spent many nights  depressed in my room, looking at education ideas on Pinterest, wondering if I would ever get to USE them.  (It sounds silly now, but I really was quite depressed.) I spent HOURS prepping for interviews that I would eventually mess up because of my nerves and perfectionist tendencies.  Then, FINALLY, 2 months into this past school year, a job at an awesome school just fell into my lap. I wasn't even the least bit nervous at the interview.  Now, to be patient about finding the man of my dreams. 

2.) Don't waste your time and energy waiting on someone who doesn't try to spend time with you.  I am an incredibly loyal person when it comes to men.  I will wait and wait for someone if I think they're worth it. But the truth is, if someone makes you wait that long, they probably aren't worth the wait.  A F. Scott Fitzgerald quote comes to mind, "No sir, the girl really worth having won't wait for anybody." AMEN.

3.) A little thank you note goes a LONG way. People appreciate you appreciating them. It's as simple as that. 

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