Me, abridged...

My photo
I'm a "twenty-something". I am hopelessly awkward and romantic. I love music and movies and traveling and having new adventures. I teach first grade in South Carolina. These are my romantic musings and random ramblings.

Friday, May 31, 2013

A Vivid (and somewhat scary yet hysterical) Memory

The year was 2001.  We had just moved from Irmo, SC to Pawleys Island, and were leaving early in the morning to go to Columbia for a USC Gamecock football game. I was 13 and my younger sister was 9.  We stopped by a local breakfast establishment to pick up some biscuits and a Yoohoo for my sister and I to share. I took a sip of the Yoohoo and then handed it over to my sister and started eating my biscuit. Seconds later, my sister starts yelping in pain. I look over to see that her tongue, which she has jammed down into the glass Yoohoo bottle, is STUCK.

"Uhh...Dad?" I manage. "Olivia's tongue is stuck in the Yoohoo bottle!" Mom turns around from the front seat and tries to pull the bottle. Olivia winces. The bottle doesn't budge. Dad yanks at the bottle. Olivia yelps in pain, tears streaming down her face. The bottle WON'T COME OFF. Her tongue is now TURNING BLACK, PEOPLE. I start crying hysterically, because I think that Olivia is going to have no tongue for the rest of her life. We call the ER on the way to give them a heads-up about what's coming for them. They, of course, have never seen anything like it.

15 minutes later, we got to the ER and were rushed in. After much deliberation, the doctors decided they could not break the bottle or drill a hole in it without seriously injuring Olivia's mouth (more than it already was). They ended up slipping a tiny tube in the bottle beside her tongue to break the suction. Her tongue ended up being just fine, but she never drank a Yoohoo from the bottle ever again.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Let go, jump in...

Today's blog everyday in May assignment is to respond to the term "letting go".

(First of all, it made me think of this really awesome song: Let Go by Frou Frou from Garden State and The Holiday and I'm sure a bunch of other movies.)

To me, "letting go" means letting go of the things in your life that weigh you down and keep you from moving forward.  For me, personally, it means letting go of the fear of the unknown and letting go of bad relationships. The unknown is scary for me.  I like knowing where I'm going to be and I like to have friends.  Letting go is stepping out of your comfort zone.  As far as letting go of bad relationships, I've learned that some people are meant to be in your past. Things did not work out for a REASON. Don't look back, you're moving forward.  Letting go means not being afraid to move on to something bigger and different and more rewarding. Let go, jump in.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

5 of my jams...

1.) After the Storm by Mumford & Sons
This song has gotten me through some terrible days, as lame as it sounds.  It is so hopeful and amazing.  It contains my favorite line from any song ever: "Get over your hill and see what you find there, with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair." I even made a painting of it! :)

2.) Old Pine by Ben Howard
This is just an incredibly soothing song. His voice is so pretty. And he's not bad looking, either.

3.) Paradise by Coldplay
This song just reminds me of myself. SO MUCH.

4.)Both Sides Now by Joni Mitchell
A semi-depressing song about the ups and downs of life and romance. Joni gets my sad little heart sometimes.

5.) Girl From the North Country by Bob Dylan
Because Bob Dylan and his harmonica. Enough said.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My favorite adventures in pictures...

These are some of my favorite photos I've taken of places I've been. The world is amazingly beautiful.

Red Rock Canyon, near Las Vegas

La Jolla, California

My sister and me at Arenal in Costa Rica

Cinque Terre, Italy
My sister and I at Blarney Castle in Ireland

Big Ben, obvi.

Venice, Italia

Monday, May 27, 2013

Almost 15 versus almost 25.

Well, I'm turning 25 in less than a month and it's got me thinking about growth and change and all that nonsense. So, I have composed a list of pros and cons of being 25 versus being 15.

  • I've actually been kissed now, so the whole "never been kissed" thing is no longer a source of anxiety for me. (Yes...I didn't have my first kiss until I was almost 17.)
  • I know how to drive (sort of).
  • I no longer feel the need to try to impress people so that they think I'm cool.  I think I'm freakin' awesome and that's really all that matters. Most of the people who were actually cool and popular peaked in high school anyway.
  • I don't have braces or a retainer.
  • I no longer have to hide my thong underwear from my mother. Did anyone else do that or was it just me?
  • I don't have to sneak alcohol from my friend's parents' liquor cabinets. No more vodka and Dr. Peppers! (Vom. Who would willingly drink that crap? The answer is me.)
  • If I want to have a "gentleman caller", I don't have to be stealthy about it. He can just come back to "my place". Too bad this has literally NEVER happened. 
  • I can no longer go to prom without being seen as a child molester.  Or as a chaperone.  Now, the only occasions I get dressed up for are other people's weddings. 
  • I use WRINKLE CREAM on my face. (Mostly as a preventative measure, but STILL.)
  • I ALWAYS have to do the dreaded ring check.  When I was 15, no one was married or had children. 
  • I can't wear tiny short shorts from Abercrombie or Hollister without looking sleazy. I mean, I've always had a big butt but now it's just obscene. Thank GOD Abercrombie and Hollister shorts aren't fashionable anymore anyway.
  • I have to pay for my own car. And rent. And groceries. Being an adult is not that fun. 
  • Some places have stopped carding me for buying alcohol. That just makes me feel ancient.
...after much deliberation, I've decided that I'm glad to be 25 instead of 15.  Ask me again in 10 years and I'll likely be whistling a different tune. 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Hit the nail on the head with that one.

Today on the Challenge: *Something someone told you about yourself that you'll never forget.*

About a year ago, I went on a date or two with this guy who was a high school history teacher. (I'm going to call him "teacher guy" because I have absolutely no clue what his actual name is.)  On our first date, we went to walk around the Capitol building in Columbia, SC.  We were talking about teaching jobs, and I, at this point, was still trying to find one.  I was explaining to him how terrible I am at interviews, when he said, "I think the reason you don't have a teaching job is because it's really obvious you just don't give a shit what other people think about you." At first, I was a little offended because of his brutal honesty, but then I thought about how that trait is actually a really good one to have. I don't care what other people think of me, and I'm never going to try to change myself to impress anyone. (Maybe a lot of teachers are suck-ups? I don't know.) 

Anyway, I ended up only going out on one more date with him after that because he had a terrible sense of humor. He actually continuously quoted "Dude, Where's My Car?" 12 years after it came to theaters. But, what he said to me did stick with me. Thanks for the insight into myself, teacher guy! 

Friday, May 24, 2013

My 3 Worst Traits...

A few weeks ago, I highlighted the ten most awesome things about myself. Now for the worst...

1.)  I am incredibly scatterbrained and forgetful.  I valiantly make a to-do list and then immediately misplace it.
2.)  I am terrible at communicating/opening up.  I'm even terrible at simply keeping in touch with people that I don't see on a regular basis. I'm a bad long distance friend.
3.)  I get jealous.  Not the yelling, key your car, steal your phone and read all your texts jealous...just the silent, fuming, quiet kind of jealous where you say "What's wrong?" and they say "Nothing" but expect you to know what's going on. (Which I think may be just as bad as the other kind of jealous.)

Hopefully the awesome things about me make up for these bad traits. I certainly think so. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

What they don't teach you in school...

Today's topic: things you've learned that school won't teach you. 

1.) Good things come to those who wait. (and wait...and wait..)  I spent the two years after my graduation from college wondering what was WRONG with me that I had not found a teaching job yet and most of my peers had. I spent many nights  depressed in my room, looking at education ideas on Pinterest, wondering if I would ever get to USE them.  (It sounds silly now, but I really was quite depressed.) I spent HOURS prepping for interviews that I would eventually mess up because of my nerves and perfectionist tendencies.  Then, FINALLY, 2 months into this past school year, a job at an awesome school just fell into my lap. I wasn't even the least bit nervous at the interview.  Now, to be patient about finding the man of my dreams. 

2.) Don't waste your time and energy waiting on someone who doesn't try to spend time with you.  I am an incredibly loyal person when it comes to men.  I will wait and wait for someone if I think they're worth it. But the truth is, if someone makes you wait that long, they probably aren't worth the wait.  A F. Scott Fitzgerald quote comes to mind, "No sir, the girl really worth having won't wait for anybody." AMEN.

3.) A little thank you note goes a LONG way. People appreciate you appreciating them. It's as simple as that. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Favorite posts...

I've been (sort of) doing the "Blog Every Day in May" thing, and since I have only had my blog for like a month, I am only going to link to 2 of my favorite posts instead of 5.

The first...Becoming Edith Crawley. Wrote this semi-bitter diatribe about 2 weeks ago after attending a festival with my younger seester and her boyfriend.  I had an excellent time, but for some reason, several people felt the need to encourage me to not "give up hope" in finding my own boyfriend. (I hadn't, but that's not what they thought for some reason. If I start to wear sweatpants all the time and balloon up to 200 pounds, be concerned.)

The second...Old Lady Problems. This is basically me highlighting all the reasons I love staying in most of the time instead of going out. If only someone could hand-deliver a sexy dude to my house to hang out with me. He'd probably think it was awesome that I don't wear bras or pants.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Creepers Need Lovin' Too?

Today, I had a perfect(ly terrifying) stranger leave me a note saying he'd like to have "A intelligent convo" with me and give ME his number. Other than not knowing what kind of "intelligent" conversation I could possibly have with an individual who says A intelligent instead of an intelligent, I genuinely wonder what kind of vibes I could be putting down that would leave someone to think that I would respond favorably to a move like that. Perhaps he interpreted my aloof politeness as a green light? Did he honestly think I would call him and not be the least bit freaked out? I'm really concerned by the methods people will use just to hit on someone they don't even know, but I'm MORE concerned about any lonely, sad woman who would actually respond to them.

For example, ever looked through the Craigslist "missed encounters" or romance sections just for a laugh? If you haven't, you should. It's incredible how pathetic some people can be. Like, "Hey, I saw you at the gas station and you was lookin' so sexxxy in your white jeans and crop top, but you was with your boyfriend. If you want to get wit a real man, let me know wut kinda car you was driving and we can hook up." Like, SERIOUSLY. Who would actually ANSWER one of those ads? And what type of quality person would be seriously looking for love on CRAIGSLIST?!? (Clearly, these people don't watch enough E! murder specials, or they'd be more cautious like I am.)

This reminds me...I seriously need to invest in some pepper spray.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

I don't want good and I don't want good enough.

So, I was out with some friends last night and one of my guy friends (who has been married for a few years) was asking me about my "love life"/lack thereof. Of course. (These sorts of encounters seem to be what my blog is mostly about.)  Now--backstory--in my tiny beach town, there are next to NO attractive, single men. At least no attractive, single men without a lot of baggage--illegitimate children, drug/alcohol problems, angry ex-wives, Peter Pan syndrome, etc. It is a beautiful, picturesque place, but a terrible, miserable place to live if you're single. Especially if you're single and socially awkward like I am. Anyhow, my friend was asking me why I can't be as open and charming in person as I am online because he thinks I am, in his words, "one of the most desirable single girls in our town". (He was being way too nice, in my opinion.)  I was super embarrassed when he said that, of course, and I told him about how I'm pretty introverted and usually only really charming and funny around people I know. Being that way doesn't exactly get you a lot of dates--which I think was his point.

I think my problem (or maybe my strength) is that I set really ridiculously high standards for men.  I am an over-thinker and occasionally a play-it-safer. I have gone out with a couple of guys in my town but there's always something that isn't quite right.  Either they have no sense of humor or they're too shy or they're secretly a huge douche bag or they're really only after one thing--and it's not my witty and amazing company--there's always something that isn't spot on.

Maybe it's idealistic of me, but I can't help but believe that if a guy really is "the one"--as cheesy and Disney princess-y as it sounds--I'm not going to have to TRY that hard and have to convince myself to like him.  I just WILL. I want to be completely and totally SOLD. If I'm not completely crazy about the guy, then what's the point of wasting my time?

Friday, May 17, 2013

A Favorite Photo

I hate taking pictures alone so it took a while for me to find a picture of myself (for this Blog Everyday In May thing that I've been sort-of participating). This picture is of me on my trip to Italy my Junior year of college.  I had wanted to go to Italy for as long as I could remember and I was completely ecstatic to get to go. (Doesn't even matter to me that I'm still paying it off now!) Anyway, this picture is taken in Cinque Terre on the "walk of love". It's by far the most beautiful place that I have ever seen. Anyone who is going on a honeymoon...this is seriously the place to go. Plus, Cinque Terre is home to a hole in the wall Italian restaurant that made the best lasagna I've ever had. 

Yep, I need to start saving up to go to Italia again. Anywhere you can drink wine at every meal and not be judged is idyllic to me!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Ten things that make me really happy...

In no particular order, 10 things that make me happy:

1.) Receiving a hand written card or letter.
2.) Receiving a mixed CD and listening to it for the first time (you'd think my love language was Gifts, but it's actually quality time.)
3.)  When people actually get my jokes/references.
4.)  Dancing like a complete idiot.
5.)  Fall in the mountains.
6.)  Anything flavored with pumpkin--which is more abundant in the fall.
7.)  Books that you can read a billion times and never get sick of.
8.)  Watching any movie--particularly Pride and Prejudice or Stepbrothers --with my sister.
9.) Seeing old friends for the first time in a long time.
10.) Chivalry.

Monday, May 13, 2013

My Sincerest Apologies...

To most people with whom I'm barely acquainted:

I'm sorry if I seem bitchy, stand-offish, or rude.  I promise I don't hate you.  It just takes me a while to get to know people and to come out of my shell.  I am what most would call a "classic introvert".  I prefer a small group of people that I know well and am comfortable with.  You'd be much more likely to see me smiling and laughing at a relaxed dinner with friends than at a noisy bar with a bunch of random people I probably have no desire to get to know.  If I don't say much to you, it's nothing personal, it's just that I don't KNOW you.  Just take the time to talk with me, and you will see I'm actually pretty hilarious and fun.


Sunday, May 12, 2013

Becoming Edith Crawley?

Over the past few months I have become obsessed with Downton Abbey.  If you have not watched it, you should.  And don't worry, I will not give away any spoilers... But for those who have watched it and know what I'm talking about, I'm about to make some Downton references. I've always considered myself to be a combo of the personalities of Mary and Matthew.  However, as of late, I'm starting to relate with Edith, the middle sister and self-proclaimed "useful spinster".  NOT because I see myself that way, but because I think other people are starting to see me that way.

Last night, I went with my younger sister, her boyfriend, and a couple of good friends to a shagging (the dance) festival in my hometown.  Everyone gets dressed up, eats barbecue, drinks beer and blueberry wine, listens to live music, and dances all night. It's a pinnacle of Lowcountry culture. It's always an amazing time. Anyhow, last night I had three people talk to me separately about how "the right guy will come along when I least expect it" and to "not give up hope" or "settle".  By the end of the second conversation, I felt somehow embarrassed and just ended up nodding and rolling my eyes. I don't know if it was because my younger sister had a boyfriend with her or what provoked these "inspirational" talks.  Perhaps I looked depressed as I was dancing and having a good time with my girl friends? It is a known fact that I do want to get married, but I don't know how me "giving up hope" was put on the table. Anyone who knows me knows that I am not one to ever settle or give up hope on romance.  I watched too many damn Disney movies for that to happen.

The truth is, I am not someone who appreciates being pitied or felt sorry for. Now don't get me wrong, I'm sure these "pep talks" I've been receiving come from people with good intentions. These people truly care about me and want the best for me. I love them for it. It also really annoys me.  Maybe, I have too much pride. But, I do know that I'm going to eventually end up where I'm supposed to be and with whoever I'm supposed to be with.  I know I can be cynical at times, but I'm never going to "give up hope"; it's not in my nature.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Me in 10 Words

Honest. Witty. Laid Back. Silly. Genuine. Caring. Quirky. Romantic. Original.

Want to be my friend yet? Just wait til you find out my flaws. They're not so pretty...

Friday, May 10, 2013

I Can't Just Pick ONE.

I feel like my life is a STRING of embarrassing and awkward moments.

For instance, there was the time I fell off of my super tall platform shoes while getting off of the bus in the seventh grade.  I grabbed the bookbag of the hot guy in front of me and pulled him on to the ground with me.  I had to walk around with a bloody knee the rest of the day.  Then, there was the time in tenth grade when I tried to kiss this boy I liked and we ended up bumping heads. OR more recently, the time I was trying to seduce this really attractive guy and ended up falling off of the couch we were on.  See, it's extremely hard to choose just ONE embarrassing moment when my life is so full of them.

The moral of this story is, I am extremely clumsy.  Also, I should probably not make the first move to avoid physically injuring myself or others.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Funny Moment...

As a first grade teacher, I have hilarious moments all of the time.  My kids are always saying things or doing things that make me smile. For instance, this morning, one of the little girls in my class handed me this super heavy owl statue--actually I think it was once a doorstop--as a gift. (Pictured above) When I asked her where she got it from, she said, "I found it in the ditch, so I cleaned it off and brought it to you because I knew you'd love it!" (Background--my classroom is decorated with owls.) I placed it proudly on the book shelf behind my desk, so it could creepily watch over the entire class. It's moments like these that make me so happy I get to work with children. They seriously make my day all the time.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A Piece of Advice

This is a little piece of advice that I give others but rarely take myself.  If someone doesn't serve you, make you grow as a person, or care about your happiness, WALK AWAY. If they don't care to spend time with you, don't try to spend time with them.  If they don't respect you, don't stand for it.  If we put up with people who treat us terribly, we will continue to attract people who treat us that way.  (I also know that it's incredibly difficult to spot the douchebag if you're the one who this is happening to.) I'm quick to tell my friends, "He treats you like crap! Why do you keep putting up with that?", yet I know I've put up with it myself.  A LOT.

You just have to remind yourself that you are a person of value and if someone does not see that, then they are not worth your precious time.  Be strong enough to walk away from them.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Fears and such

Today's "Blog Every Day in May" topic was "what are you afraid of?"  Well, I am probably one of the most cautious people on the planet when it comes to trusting strangers. For example, you will NEVER see me climbing into a car to go home with a guy I just met out drinking at a bar.  I watch enough E! murder mystery specials to know that that's how you get abducted and raped and brutally murdered. (Also, I'm just not a one night stand kinda girl.)

As far as a deeper type of fear, I can sum up my main anxieties by quoting a song by Ben Howard which is actually called "The Fear":

I've been worryin' that my time is a little unclear
I've been worryin' that I'm losing the ones I hold dear
I've been worryin' that we all, live our lives, in the confines of fear.

In short, I'm afraid of not LIVING enough with the time I've been given. That I don't take enough chances or go crazy enough.  My fear is looking back and regretting NOT doing something.  I want to look back on my life and feel like I had an awesome, incredible journey. So, I guess my advice for myself comes from Ms. Frizzle, "Take chances, make mistakes, and get messy!" (Magic School Bus, anyone?)

Monday, May 6, 2013

"What Do You Do?"

I'm attempting to do this "blog everyday in May" thing so.... today's question was, "If you couldn't answer the question 'what do you do?' with your job, what would you say?" (I'm a first grade teacher, in case you didn't know.)  Everything I would want to say I "do" makes me sound creepy or lame. I "hang out with kids"sounds like I'm Matthew McConaughey's character from Dazed and Confused. I "inspire children to learn" or "change lives" sounds incredibly cheesy and like I'm glorifying myself.

What do I do? Hmmm...well, I perform.  I entertain. Occasionally, I sing.  I attempt to engage the attentions of 18 young children. I laugh. At my students but mostly at myself.  I try to make things fun.  I make sure no one gets seriously injured while in my care.  At the end of a long day, I also enjoy a nice glass of wine.  Because I deserve it.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Old Lady (or introvert) Problems

I had a really awesome and relaxing weekend. Friday night consisted of me and my roommate playing an Arrested Development drinking game on our couches in our pajamas. (AD Drinking Game Rules: Drink every time Tobias says something that's a double entendre, Lucille is drinking, anyone says the name "Bluth", there's a flashback, "The Final Countdown" is playing, Buster says "hey, brother", and any time Lucille says something about Lindsay's weight.) Needless to say, we got a lil' tipsy.  Saturday night consisted of me and a few friends watching "The Great Mouse Detective" and "Rescue Rangers: Down Under".  It was a freakin' sweet 80s/90s flashback. I seem to have equally as much (if not more) fun staying in than going out.  First of all, it's free. Second of all, I don't have to wear a bra. Or contacts. Or makeup. Or pants. Third of all, if I happen to get drunk, all I have to do is walk up the stairs and fall into bed.

Don't get me wrong, I can have fun out on the town.  However, I don't like to be anywhere where people are pushing up against me or spilling their drinks on me, OR where you have to yell at someone to be heard. I also don't like smelling like a freshly lit cigarette when I get home.  I prefer places where they have soft(ish) music playing, big comfortable booths, and minimal college frat guys/sorority girls grinding on each other. Somewhere you can order a glass of wine and not have people look at you like you're a weirdo. Somewhere where you can have a good time AND a decent conversation with your friends that doesn't involve you screaming over blaring music. Maybe I'm strange, or maybe I just really value genuine human interaction.

Currently listening to...

And these fingertips
Will never run through your skin
And those bright blue eyes
Can only meet mine across the room filled with people that are less important than you.

All 'cause you love, love, love
When you know I can't love you

So I think it's best we both forget before we dwell on it
The way you held me so tight
All through the night
'Til it was near morning

'Cause you love, love, love
When you know I can't love you...

-Love Love Love by Of Monsters and Men

Thursday, May 2, 2013


Living in your letters.

I think that with all this technology crap, people are losing the ability to actually communicate face-to-face. Personally, since I abhor talking on the phone, I choose texting as my main means of communication (with people who don't live near me).  I think it's really funny because I can remember ye olde pre-texting days when I would literally wait by the phone for my "crush" to call me. (Pathetic, I know. But that's how I roll.) Then there were the days of passing notes in middle and high school:  confessing my loooove for ***** and how I hoped that he would ask me to Winter Ball.  And how I wished I wasn't so pale and should I try a spray tan? (BIG mistake).

I can vividly remember my first text message ever. Probably because it came from my high school boyfriend. "Close lipped, another goodnight kiss is robbed of all its passion." A Dashboard Confessional quote. I spent hours poring over these words--trying to interpret the meaning of them. Looking back, he was probably just eluding to the fact that he wanted to make out with me...? ...but then again, I tend to read too much into things.

Whatever happened to the days of good old handwritten (love) letters? Elizabeth went months without talking to Mr. Darcy, during which time their affections only grew stronger. (Yes, I'm aware these are fictional characters.) I can't even go a few days without receiving a text from a guy I like without thinking I said/did something wrong and that he no longer finds me attractive and/or worthy of his time. Why can't we all just slow down a bit, stop needing everything to happen RIGHT NOW, and savor a thoughtful, handwritten letter?  Then again, that requires the trust that distance and time apart does indeed make the heart grow fonder and that the person you care about won't just choose a convenient person because they're there. Hmmm...I wonder if I'm capable of such a thing?

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

BABIEEEEES (and no babies)

My very best friend in the entire universe just had a baby boy. (YAY!) He is perfect and chubby and adorable and her husband is absolutely precious with him. Seriously, her sweet little family is so's EXACTLY what I want--eventually. Of course, it leads me to think about the lack of perfect family-ness/romance in my own life. For starters, my last kiss was like 3 months ago with a guy friend I'd been wanting to kiss for approximately 4 years.  (Sounds awesome, I know.) But, OF COURSE, I had to mess it up with my unmatched awkwardness.  After he kissed me, in a moment of complete and utter confusion and nervousness, I LAUGHED. Not just a cute little giggle, either...a full-fledged, near-snorting laugh.  Even thinking about it now, I inwardly cringe.  It was very similar to the episode of Friends when Ross puts his hands on Rachel's butt and she laughs at him--it completely ruined the "moment". Except in my case, I didn't have the guts to try to kiss him again.  I tend to over-think everything and that greatly lessens my chance of seizing the moment. So, here's to seizing the moment at any point in the future in the hopes that at some point, I too will have a sweet baby and a husband who wants to cuddle all of the time.


I've noticed that I do much better at writing things than actually saying them aloud. I guess this is because when I say something out loud, I usually don't use my brain-to-mouth filter and what I say generally comes out sounding awkward or bitchy or judgmental or rude. When I am forced to write things out, I have to put slightly more thought into it. I can also just press the "delete" button, which I sometimes wish I had in actual social situations. I am now going to attempt to charm the world with my "quirky web presence" ala Hannah Horvath from GIRLS. Chances are, it will not work, and only 2 people (including myself) will actually ever read the sad chronicles of my life, but alas, I can still try.  I wish I had something useful to offer up in my blog, but I'm not super creative or fashionable or good at photography, etc.