Me, abridged...

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I'm a "twenty-something". I am hopelessly awkward and romantic. I love music and movies and traveling and having new adventures. I teach first grade in South Carolina. These are my romantic musings and random ramblings.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Old Lady (or introvert) Problems

I had a really awesome and relaxing weekend. Friday night consisted of me and my roommate playing an Arrested Development drinking game on our couches in our pajamas. (AD Drinking Game Rules: Drink every time Tobias says something that's a double entendre, Lucille is drinking, anyone says the name "Bluth", there's a flashback, "The Final Countdown" is playing, Buster says "hey, brother", and any time Lucille says something about Lindsay's weight.) Needless to say, we got a lil' tipsy.  Saturday night consisted of me and a few friends watching "The Great Mouse Detective" and "Rescue Rangers: Down Under".  It was a freakin' sweet 80s/90s flashback. I seem to have equally as much (if not more) fun staying in than going out.  First of all, it's free. Second of all, I don't have to wear a bra. Or contacts. Or makeup. Or pants. Third of all, if I happen to get drunk, all I have to do is walk up the stairs and fall into bed.

Don't get me wrong, I can have fun out on the town.  However, I don't like to be anywhere where people are pushing up against me or spilling their drinks on me, OR where you have to yell at someone to be heard. I also don't like smelling like a freshly lit cigarette when I get home.  I prefer places where they have soft(ish) music playing, big comfortable booths, and minimal college frat guys/sorority girls grinding on each other. Somewhere you can order a glass of wine and not have people look at you like you're a weirdo. Somewhere where you can have a good time AND a decent conversation with your friends that doesn't involve you screaming over blaring music. Maybe I'm strange, or maybe I just really value genuine human interaction.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing is better than drinking at your own house, with your close friends, and not having to impress anyone with your outfit/hair/make up.

    I'm 100% with you on that one!
